Sunday, June 23, 2013


From time to time I will share with you great books that will help you grow in your faith.

As an author of Christian books, I would encourage you to be continually growing in your own faith. You can't lead others unless you lead yourself first; and you can't "grow" others, unless you're willing to grow too.

Growing in spiritual maturity is essential, especially today when the church has grown softer and more seeker friendly. But many no longer feel the church is relevant to their lives. I encourage you to not fall into this common practice in your writing.

A dying world is in need of those willing to stand up for truth and only God's Word holds all truth.

Become a faithful student of God's Word. Then pass along solid teaching that changes lives. Christians have become accustomed to hearing  "Christianity light" messages and may no longer know truth from deception. The Christian author has a powerful platform to change that.

** R.C. Sproul, a famous evangelist, has many of his books on Kindle for FREEHis doctrinal background may be different from yours, but I would encourage you to read books from thinkers. Too many female authors write about their feelings and everyday "natural" affairs. We must rise higher and proclaim the "good news," not news about ourselves. This is why I tend to read many more books by men than women.

We must know what we believe.

R.C. Sproal says:

"Creation is vital. Creation is foundational for the Christian church with every major Christian doctrine coming out of the events recorded in the first chapters of Genesis. Among these are:
1) the nature of God, including his power and goodness,
2) the nature of man, created in the image of God but fallen because of his sin,
3) the nature and consequences of sin,
4) the nature of marriage,
5) the origin of death as a penalty for sin, and an enemy,
6) the need for a Saviour to redeem man from sin,
7) the origin and meaning of work and the weekly day of rest, and
8) the relationship between man and the rest of creation, which is now cursed because of sin,
9) and much more.

This is why the doctrine of creation is vital, but unfortunately this doctrine is denied today, both outside and inside the church."

If you desire to write Christian books, break away from the pack and write books with substance and truth. If you feel your faith is weak or lacking in sound doctrine, read solid books that will build up your faith.

Writing is a skill. For the Christian author, writing is evangelism. Grow firm in your faith. Then you have a message worth telling.

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