Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Champions plan to beat the record holder. Successful businesses plan ahead for future growth and expansion.

It is difficult to measure progress without a written plan. Writing out a plan helps us attain our desired goal. A plan is a written formula to determine what actionable steps are needed to make the vision come about.

If your desire is to become a Christian author, then develop a plan for that to happen.

In a previous post I mentioned that we should always be growing in our own faith before we can lead others to grow. First, we have a duty to write material that changes lives. Since God's Word holds all truth,  you can change people's lives by sharing it accurately with them. Anemic faith won't transform people. Many in the church no longer recognize or hold to truth. Your job is to be uncommon. Write material that empowers others to succeed in life by using God's methods of success.

The second step will require you to educate yourself regarding the art of writing. Writing is a skill. A skill can be learned. That's good news, for many successful authors didn't start their career by being natural writers. It means that with hard work and determination, they developed their craft and became good writers.

The Internet holds a lot of free information to help you in your growth process. Read everything you can about writing. This is what I started out doing and continue to do. I also went to the library and checked out books on writing. Much of the material is technical and a lot of it is about fiction writing, but you can glean something from each book. I also took an Internet Writing Course that only cost me $40.00. What I learned was invaluable. It was a good investment. Be aware you don't need to spend a fortune for good information.

A good command of the English language is the first step to writing well. The book I found to be the most helpful was a Kaplan book titled "Power Writing." Do a search on Kaplan books to see what interests you. I found it at our local library. I would also encourage you to look for Christian books on writing, as much of what is out there will discourage you because it is difficult to find a publisher that will take on an unknown. But in this post I am addressing the topic of improving your writing skills.

Another way to grow your writing skills is to read good writing. Study the sentence structure. Notice that the sentences are tight and that unnecessary words are left out. Learn the clichés that are often used, but should be avoided. I now read books with an editor's eye, something I never used to do.

Writing, publishing, and editing has been a learning curve for me. But I enjoy learning and find that having a goal keeps me sharp.  Boredom is not my problem when I have a goal. Self publishing is a learning curve, but it can be empowering. When you come to a place of utter frustration, step away from your computer. Maybe you will need to stay away for a day or two, and go do something fun.

Moving away from the stress, will remind you that God will get you to the plan He has for you. Your job is to not believe that everything starts and ends with yourself. Your mind will clear when you pray and ask God to help you absorb what you're learning. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, so don't become impatient with the learning process.

I would encourage you to learn all you can about writing FIRST, then start doing. There are many marketing and non-fiction writing books for Kindle on Amazon. Many of these books are $3.00 and under. Take advantage of the mentoring you receive from authors who have traveled the road you want to take.

It is tempting to compromise and follow the world's system to success. As a Christian author you will need to put God's plan for success before you. The Bible tells us in Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run" (NASB).

Honoring God in your writing, is a plan God will honor in return.


Sunday, June 23, 2013


From time to time I will share with you great books that will help you grow in your faith.

As an author of Christian books, I would encourage you to be continually growing in your own faith. You can't lead others unless you lead yourself first; and you can't "grow" others, unless you're willing to grow too.

Growing in spiritual maturity is essential, especially today when the church has grown softer and more seeker friendly. But many no longer feel the church is relevant to their lives. I encourage you to not fall into this common practice in your writing.

A dying world is in need of those willing to stand up for truth and only God's Word holds all truth.

Become a faithful student of God's Word. Then pass along solid teaching that changes lives. Christians have become accustomed to hearing  "Christianity light" messages and may no longer know truth from deception. The Christian author has a powerful platform to change that.

** R.C. Sproul, a famous evangelist, has many of his books on Kindle for FREEHis doctrinal background may be different from yours, but I would encourage you to read books from thinkers. Too many female authors write about their feelings and everyday "natural" affairs. We must rise higher and proclaim the "good news," not news about ourselves. This is why I tend to read many more books by men than women.

We must know what we believe.

R.C. Sproal says:

"Creation is vital. Creation is foundational for the Christian church with every major Christian doctrine coming out of the events recorded in the first chapters of Genesis. Among these are:
1) the nature of God, including his power and goodness,
2) the nature of man, created in the image of God but fallen because of his sin,
3) the nature and consequences of sin,
4) the nature of marriage,
5) the origin of death as a penalty for sin, and an enemy,
6) the need for a Saviour to redeem man from sin,
7) the origin and meaning of work and the weekly day of rest, and
8) the relationship between man and the rest of creation, which is now cursed because of sin,
9) and much more.

This is why the doctrine of creation is vital, but unfortunately this doctrine is denied today, both outside and inside the church."

If you desire to write Christian books, break away from the pack and write books with substance and truth. If you feel your faith is weak or lacking in sound doctrine, read solid books that will build up your faith.

Writing is a skill. For the Christian author, writing is evangelism. Grow firm in your faith. Then you have a message worth telling.

Friday, June 21, 2013


If you're a new author and no one knows about you or your books yet, why not consider offering your books at an "impulse buy" price. For some this means free, for others this means offering them on Amazon for 99 cents with a Kindle book. Offering your books on KDP Select, with their 5 days of "free" books, will bring you exposure and will allows others to read your message.

Although Kindle books are growing every year, many people, including myself, still don't own a Kindle.

Since I have two non-fiction Christian books that for a limited time I am offering for 99 cents, I decided to pass some good information on to my Facebook friends. I  mentioned that for those who don't own a Kindle, it was possible to read a Kindle book on their computer or smart phone.  I only recently learned of this, so I shared my new knowledge with my friends.

Kindle has an app that can be downloaded so that you can read Kindle books on your computer or phone. Just type into your browser: Kindle app for my computer and then download it or click on the link below.  Ever since I have been reading these low cost books on my computer.  I even download free books, so watch for those too.


Free Kindle Reading Apps Kindle’s free apps for your computer or smartphone. Find out more here.

Who doesn't want a free or low cost book?  For the Christian author, this is a perfect way to get the Word of God out. Jesus told us to make disciples. Offering your books in Kindle format for free or for 99 cents is a perfect way to disciple those you may never meet.

When I first started writing I was mostly thinking about making money. Wrong! Unless you're already well known (called having a platform), you're an unknown and people are not lining up to buy your books.

I adjusted my thinking and realized that getting the Word into people was far more important than making a few bucks anyway. This is reality. Consider developing a reader base first to get people acquainted with your books. This is expanding your ministry and you'll love serving others in this way.