Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Today is the last day to get your FREE copy on Kindle of one of my newest books. After today it will be priced at 99 cents.  May you receive wisdom and understanding by reading it.

Click the link to follow it on Amazon.

Friday, October 25, 2013


click on above link to go to my Author Page on
Don't be a victim to your circumstances any longer. No one wants to fail. Everyone desires to succeed.
Success is never an accident. It must be studied, pursued, and then mastered.
Those who have mentors are much more likely to succeed. The Bible was written to mentor us. It holds the secrets to true success and prosperity, as God is the author of these concepts, not man.

Discover for yourself: 

-How You Determine Your Destiny
-How to Prosper In Everything You Do
-How We Reap What We Sow
-Why You Are Special To God
-How God Uses Ordinary People
-Why Character Must Precede Success
-How You can Dream Big Dreams with God
-Why You Must Pursue Excellence
-How God Rewards the Faithful

The Bible teaches us how to be balanced and increase in ALL areas of our life. Many may be successful in their work life, but fail miserably in their personal and private life. Decide today to become abundantly successful by examining what God's Word says about this subject. Discovering God's secrets to success is the believer's most important task!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Although this company wants 15% of the royalties, it may be an option for those who are new to publishing and want someone to help them along the way.
Draft2Digital Helps Authors Share Their Work with the World
Guest Post by Heather Sutherlin
The number one question I’m asked by aspiring indie authors is “How’d you do it?” It makes me laugh because those four words are really asking an enormous question. And in the end, what they really want to know is “Where do I start?”
Well, assuming you’ve already got your book finished and professionally edited, the next thing you’ll want is a cover. And once you’ve got the cover, you’re ready to publish. That can seem a daunting task, I know it did for me! How do I format it to fit Kindle and iTunes and Nook? How do I create a professional looking paperback? I know nothing about formatting and I didn’t have another dime to invest in one more “author service.” One glance at Smashwords’ formatting guide was enough to send me into hysterics and don’t even get me started on iTunes!
That’s When Draft2Digital Saved the Day
Draft2Digital (D2D) is a godsend for the independent author who is braving these waters alone. Created by a set of computer programmers and a best-selling independent author, this company knows what it takes to get your book from messy manuscript to polished ebook in the hands of readers across the globe.
Their formatting is top-notch and completely FREE.
No confusing style guides or previous formatting knowledge is needed. Just upload your document and let the genius’s do the rest. You won’t believe how fast your finished document will be ready for previewing. Just click a few boxes and answer a few simple questions to finalize the process and you’re done.
How to Use Draft2Digital to Format Your eBook and Print Book for FREE
Once you have a finished document you’re proud of, you choose where you want D2D to list your book.  Currently they are able to list books with Kindle, Nook, iTunes, and Kobo, but many more are in the works. There is also an option to list your book with Createspace, making your book available in print on Amazon. Simply choose your venues and your price. Then, hit the publish button and you’re in business! It really is that simple. I have friends that have waited months to see their books go live on Amazon and iTunes through Smashwords, but with D2D my books are listed within 48 hours. I can’t imagine doing business without them.
  • Please Note: Although there are no upfront costs, D2D does charge around 15% of the royalties to format and distribute your book.  See pricing details here
If you have a question or a problem along the way, don’t worry. Their customer service is incredible. I appreciated their quick and kind responses to my insane questions when I was first starting out. They want to make the process as simple and painless as possible, so if you have a concern, please let them know. Not only will they help you resolve the issue, they’ll most likely use your experience to make it easier for the next person who comes along.
They Are Growing and Changing
That’s what I love most about this company. They are growing and changing – all with the indie author in mind. How can they make this process easier, faster, and farther reaching? Just last week they notified us of a new upgrade to their reporting system. In a short email, CEO Kris Austin explained how our sales reports will be even better than before. Already we were able to track real-time sales information across platforms, but now we can easily compare sales by book, by sales channel, or by royalty totals. Better yet, they’re completely customizable.
According to Austin, “You can customize your own chart to show the time frame you want, grouped the way you want, shown in either estimated royalties or unit sales. You can also narrow down any chart using the filters available on the Chart Contents tab, so it will only show reports for paid sales or only show books by a selected pen name or in a selected series.”
That’s not all. They’ve recently added the ability to create pre-orders in Kobo and iTunes and expanded the types of source documents they accept to include OpenOffice and LibreOffice. And, according to Austin, there’s more to come in the near future.
“We’re still hard at work on coupon code support, actively pursuing new Sales Channels to expand your reach, and constantly searching for other ways to improve the service.”
Whether you’re a first-time author searching for the best way to break into the market, or a seasoned professional looking for a better, more affordable alternative to the system you’ve been using, Draft2Digital is the answer.
Author Bio

Read more:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Make Your Book More Discoverable with Keywords

To increase your book's discoverability on Amazon, you need descriptions and keywords that accurately portray your book's content and use the words customers will use when they search. Along with factors like sales history and Amazon Best Sellers Rank, relevant keywords can boost your placement in search results on

Best practices with keywords:
Combine keywords in the most logical order: Customers will search for military science fiction but not for fiction science military.
Use up to seven keywords or short phrases. Separate them with commas, and keep an eye on the character limit in the text field.
Experiment. Before you publish, search for your book's title and keywords on Amazon. If you get irrelevant results, or results you dislike, consider making some changes—your book will ultimately appear among similar results. When you search, look at the suggestions that appear in the Search field drop down.
Think like your customer. Think about how you would search for your book if you were a customer, and ask others to suggest keywords they'd search on.

Useful keyword types
● Setting (Colonial America)
● Character types (single dad, veteran)
● Character roles (strong female lead)
● Plot themes (coming of age, forgiveness)
● Story tone (dystopian, feel-good)

For suggestions on search keywords based on browse category, read more here.

Do not include these things in keywords:
● Information covered elsewhere in your book's metadata—title, contributor(s),  category, etc.
● Subjective claims about quality (e.g. "best")
● Statements that are only temporarily true ("new," "on sale," "available now")
● Information common to most  items in the category ("book")
● Common misspellings
● Variants of spacing, punctuation, capitalization, and pluralization (both "80GB" and "80 GB", "computer" and "computers", etc.). The only exception is for words translated in more than one way, like "Mao Zedong" and "Mao Tse-tung," or "Hanukkah" and "Chanukah."
● Anything misrepresentative, such as the name of an author that is not associated with your book. This type of information can create a confusing customer experience and Kindle Direct Publishing has a zero tolerance policy for metadata that is meant to advertise, promote, or mislead.

Don't use quotation marks in search terms: Single words work better than phrases—and specific words work better than general words. If you enter "complex suspenseful whodunit," only people who type all of those words will find your book. You'll get better results if you enter this: complex suspenseful whodunit. Customers can search on any of those words and find your book.

Other metadata tips
● Customers are more likely to skim past long titles (over 60 characters).
● Focus your book's description on the book's content
● Your keywords can capture useful, relevant information that won't fit in your title and description (setting, character, plot, theme, etc.)
● You can change keywords and descriptions as often as you like
● If your book is available in different formats (physical, audio) keep your keywords and description consistent across formats
● Make sure your book's metadata adheres to KDP's Metadata Guidelines.

Taken from KDP's (Kindle Direct Publishing Newsletter/Sept 2013.

Monday, August 12, 2013


I told you that from time to time, I would pass on to you any free help and teaching that will mentor you to the publishing success you seek.

I have a link that will give you excellent teaching:

His name is Tom Corson-Knowles and with his video you can learn how to format a Kindle book yourself.  He also has a Kindle book template that is great.  Be sure to check out his site and learn all you can for yourself.  Happy publishing and remember to honor God in all that you do and write.


Saturday, August 10, 2013


I found this excellent material on Sermon

Although this article is directed towards those who preach, I have noticed this trend for a long time now regarding authors too. The average Christian author's book is filled with thoughts and feelings of self. Self-importance, self-doubt, self-esteem issues, etc., no matter what you call it, it is a focus on self, rather than Christ.  We're called to exalt Christ, not ourselves. If you've struggled with putting out a message that always has you at the top, consider how you might change that focus by being aware of this trend.


Over the past five decades an insidious trend has crept into American preaching—and not only are most pastors unaware of it, they’ve embraced it without realizing how significantly its depreciated the impact of their preaching.
Back in the '60s and '70s, very rarely would a preacher use an illustration from their own life. In the '80s, a few pastors started sharing a story or two out of their own lives, but rarely every week. In the '90s, the trend escalated and you could anticipate hearing a story or two each week out of a pastor’s life. Now it’s not unusual to hear a message where 60–100% of the main illustrations come out of that preacher’s life.
If you’re young, or not a student of preaching, it would be easy to miss this trend. But when you step back and look at the overall trend of preaching over the past half century, it’s mindboggling. Even worse, it’s hindering the potential impact preaching could have on millions of people’s lives. But before I explain why, let’s take a look at how we got here.

How Did This Trend Happen?

The first reason is the impact of the Me Generation. Those of us who grew up in the Me Generation ('60s and '70s) know that we stopped appreciating history and started focusing more on us and now. Illustrations about Spurgeon and Hudson Taylor, the civil war and Greco-Roman culture, or even biblical characters were all things from the past. We didn’t care about those things. We just cared about us. And as more of us became preachers, it just seemed sensible to us to start using “us” illustrations.
Second is the advent of the large church movement. Note: I’m not against large churches. I pastored one. But one of the unintended consequences of the large church movement has been the creation of a culture of celebrity preachers—and celebrity always invites imitation. Subtly, those of us who aspired to grow our churches thought, “If [big name pastor X] uses lots of stories out of his own life—and I want to pastor a big church—then I ought to do the same.”
The third major cause of this trend would be the cultural shift here in America toward authenticity. In a desire to be more “real,” most of us have chosen to share more stories from our lives in order to communicate we’re just like them.
And the fourth major cause of this trend is the one most pastors don’t want to admit—it’s easier. Let’s be honest, finding great illustrations is hard work. Reading books, magazines and blog posts. Searching the Internet. Asking staff. Talking to people outside the church, etc. just to find the right illustration is hard work.
However, sitting back in your chair and thinking, “What’s something out of my own life that kind of relates to this point?” is pretty easy. All you have to do is access your memory banks.
When you put these four trends together you end up with a movement that could easily be described as the Primarily Pastor-Driven Illustration Movement (PPDIM). But why is PPDIM so bad?

What’s the Point of an Illustration?

One of the mistakes I frequently observe in most of the messages I hear is that the preacher isn’t searching for the best illustration for the point they’re making, they’re simply searching for an illustration—and the difference between those two practices is huge. It’s as if they remember their preaching professor saying, “Never make a point without an illustration,” so they’re now just filling in blocks in an outline (1.a. explain, 1.b. illustrate, 1.c. apply).
But the point of an illustration is to be a “window to the soul,” as Chuck Swindoll says. It’s to help the people in our congregations see the point more clearly. It’s to remove the dust and drab, the cloudiness and the murkiness, the misunderstandings and the misbeliefs around a point so that a window is opened and the person listening can say, “I get it.” And beyond getting it, it’s to help them apply it. It’s to help them see, “Oh, that’s what it would look like for this to be real in my life.” Or to help them see, “Oh, I do that.” Or, “That’s what someone who’s following God should do.”
The point of an illustration is not to be funny. Nor is it to fill up airtime or fill in an outline. The purpose of an illustration is to help the people who are listening to better understand the point being made and how they can apply it (or how it applies to them). Once you own that principle, you’ll understand why PPDIM is such a bad trend.

Why Pastors Are Bad Illustrations

I know most pastors don’t like to hear this, but to normal church people you are not normal. In their minds, you’re not real. You have some kind of special deal with God, and the work you do is totally different than what they do. So, any time you use an illustration out of your own life, you are, by definition, not opening a window into their own soul about how they can make something you’re sharing real in their life.
For example, I recently heard a pastor of a large, very successful church, in a series on giving, mention that he had several times over the course of his life felt that God was calling him and his wife to give all their money away to a building campaign. And each time they had done that, God had proven Himself faithful and they ended up with more than they had before.
Now, how many normal church people do you believe thought that was a good illustration that helped them get a good picture of how they could give sacrificially to God? Very few. Why? Because, in their minds, pastors have a special deal with God. They’re not real.
On the other hand, if that pastor had used an illustration of an auto mechanic or an elementary school teacher or an insurance salesperson or a secretary or a computer programmer or a nurse or a janitor who had done the same, now that would have been a better illustration. However, an even better illustration of sacrificial giving would have been something less dramatic because most normal people will never drain their bank accounts for a campaign—ever!
As much as you might not like it, as a pastor you’re not “real” in the minds of your people. And that’s why you’re not a great source for illustrations. When you talk about your work or your week you’ve just hindered the effectiveness of your message.

Where To From Here?

If you’d like to turn this around and help more of your people both understand God’s truth and know how they can apply it to their lives, I’d encourage you to implement the following seven practices.
1. Reduce Your Personal Illustrations to 10–20% of Your Total Illustrations.
I’m not saying you should never share a personal illustration. My issue is with the primarily pastor-driven illustration movement. Even though people may not think you’re “real,” it never hurts to help them understand that you are and that you’re one of them.
2. Change the Questions You Ask Yourself Each Week.
The questions you and I ask ourselves determine the answers we receive. If you want a different answer you need to ask a different question. Instead of asking, “What’s something out of my own life that kind of illustrates this point?” you could ask, “Who in my congregation would be a perfect illustration of this point?”
3. Use Your Staff to Help Uncover Illustrations.
I tell my clients that they should start off their staff meetings each week by asking for stories of their people. This creates a database of great stories. Plus, it’s a double win. Your staff members get to highlight someone from their ministry and you get to share a story of a “real” person in your congregation who’s a perfect illustration of the point you’re trying to make.
4. Raise Your Illustration Standards.
If your standard is, “Anything in the ballpark is fine” or “What’s easy” then that’s what you’ll shoot for. If your standard is that you’ll only be content with a great illustration that perfectly fits a point, then that’s what you’ll shoot for.
5. Don’t Use You as an Illustration About “Churchy” Things.
Whether you like it or not, 99% of the people you’re preaching to will never be on a church staff. So sharing stories about your calling to ministry, for example, while cathartic for you, won’t be helpful to your people. You’d do far better to share how Joe, an ordinary guy in your congregation, felt God called him to open a non-profit or go on a missions trip or lead a small group or help a neighbor in need, because Joe is considered normal to them.
6. Make Sure You’re Not the Hero of the Story.
Unfortunately, too many church people put pastors on pedestals. So, if you’re going to use you as an illustration, make sure you’re rarely the hero. For example, several years ago, during a message on pride I said,
“The interesting thing to me about our ego is that it often raises its ugly head in ways we would never anticipate. In fact, this past week I was sitting at a red light at the corner of Great Seneca and Clopper. I was in my Infiniti, enjoying some music, the sun was out, and I was in a good mood. In the lane next to me, a young kid in a little hot rod pulled up. His windows were down, his music was blaring and he was revving his engine. When the light turned green, I don’t know what happened, or what force overtook my body, but somehow my foot forced my accelerator all to the way to the floor and I blew the kid away. My first thought as I looked in my rearview mirror and saw him behind me was, ‘Yes!’ My second thought was, ‘I can’t believe I just did that. I’m a 42-year-old community leader and pastor of a large church and I just drag raced a kid right near his school.’ What was that about? What caused me to do something I would never intentionally do? It was my ego. I just wanted to win.”
My people loved that story (and talked about it for a long time afterward). But the reason why it worked so well was because they thought, “Hey, he’s one of us.”
Note: This doesn’t mean you can never be a good example; it just means that you don’t want to do it too often or you’ll keep increasing the distance between you and them.
7. Make Heroes of “Normal” People.
If the goal of a great illustration is to help the people of your congregation not only get a point but know how to apply it, then I’d encourage you to make a commitment to finding and using illustrations of “normal” people who are living out the principle you’re talking about. Don’t talk about your devotions, talk about Sally’s. Don’t share your evangelistic encounter this week, share Ahmed’s. Don’t talk about your reflections about the missions trip you just got back from, share those from the people who went with you.
Is all of this harder? Absolutely. But serving God has never been about doing what’s easy. It’s always been about doing what’s required so that we may present “everyone complete in Christ.”

If you want to be a better and more effective preacher, if you want to connect more deeply with your people, and if you want to help them become more fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, then I’d strongly encourage you to turn in your membership card to the Primarily Pastor-Driven Illustration Movement.
Some trends are worth bucking. This is one of them. I, and the people of your congregation, hope you will.

Bruce Johnson
Bruce D. Johnson is the President of Wired To Grow, a business growth coaching, consulting and executive education firm located near Charleston, SC. ( and the author of “Breaking Through Plateaus” ( Prior to that, he was the founding pastor of a church he started with two families that grew to 2,000 people. You can reach him at

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to Build an Online Presence Google Will Love!

Again, something I found on the Internet that I thought would be helpful to you!  Lilliet

With all the changes to Google many Internet gurus have predicted the end of SEO. Well, it's not the end per se, but rather a change from the way we used to market online. The reason Google is making these changes (also known as Penguin and Panda) is to help with authentic search. For years, many of us struggled to battle the black hat Internet marketing people who always seemed to find a way to push their project up in the ranking by using tricks to game the system in their favor. Now this time has passed. It doesn't mean that these marketing people aren't still up to their dirty tricks, but it does mean that the playing field has been leveled and it's becoming harder and harder to "rig" Google in your favor.

Why does this matter to you? Because you want to know how to prevent your site from getting hit by a Google update. If it does it could mean that you rarely, if ever, come up high in search results. Or, you could be banished to page 54 on a Google search and I can almost guarantee you, few people will ever dig through search results past page three. If you're that far back you'll never get noticed or, for that matter, get traffic.

Keywords Still Matter
The things that haven't changed with Google are keywords and backlinks. Both of these are still important though Google is becoming more intuitive, so if you're searching for keywords you may also want to search on a variety of terms for one keyword. As an example, the term "mobile phone" is also cell phone, iPhone, Droid, etc. Google is using a much more human touch to searches and they know that users don't always pop the exact keywords into a Google search. They'll pop in the keywords they are accustomed to using. When you're creating your keyword list, it's not a bad idea to expand the list to include this user terminology.

Content, Content, Content
The next piece of this new SEO world is content. You hear it all the time -- in fact some may think that this piece of website optimization has been a bit belabored. We know that we need to create helpful, unique, insightful content but more often than not, we just don't know how. Or we create a few posts and think, "This is great!" then the idea well runs dry.
Let's face it, when you have to generate content it's often not an easy process. Additionally, we all have other things to do like run a business, write the next book, or just have a life. The payoff however, is huge. Consider this: you wouldn't want to share anything that wasn't helpful, right? Why would you expect your readers to be any different? So incentivize your readers by offering them content they can't wait to share. This will really help to beef up the backlinks to your website. Here are a few ideas to help you generate content:
  • This site is great. Just plug in your keyword and it'll come up with all sorts of topics you can write about. When I plugged in book and marketing, I got about fifty new ideas for article titles, blog topics, or tweets. Often we just need the idea to spark us and this site will really help you do that. Additionally, the whole concept behind Ubersuggest is to give you insight into searches so if you're writing blog posts that key into things that are getting high searches, you'll end up increasing your traffic dramatically. When you see the topic suggestion on Ubersuggest, you don't have to copy it verbatim but you should have the keywords in the title of your blog post and use them (sparingly)throughout the post, too.
  • Google Alerts: Perhaps an oldie but goodie. Keep track of trends in your market and write about them. For example when Google Alerts popped up an alert about Penny Marshall's book only selling 7,000 copies (she was paid an advance of $800,000), I decided to write about it.

  • Twitter: Here's a great tool I have used to generate content ideas. Go to Twitter's search bar and type in "how" + your keyword, or question and keyword, or why and your keyword. Any of these terms will generate a list of tweets that may help spark some ideas.

  • FAQ's: If you get any kind of reader or client feedback, listen to what they are asking. This is a great way to generate ideas that will matter to your end-user. Client feedback, questions asked at the end of a presentation, or emails you get from buyers or potential buyers offer great insights into what their needs are and what you should consider writing about.
Social Media as a Defense Against Google Updates

Another great way to prevent your site from getting hit with a Google update is by pushing your content on social networks. This is a great place to build natural backlinks to your website and "social search" is getting to be a big topic these days. Google tracks links shared on Facebook, Twitter and others. So, in order to gain the benefits from these links be sure and push your marketing to the two top social media sites, meaning Twitter and Facebook. Next, you'll want to be sure and tie your blog into these accounts so that each time you update your blog, you'll be sharing this via social media.
The next piece is the elephant in the room, namely Google+. Though it's seen most of its users from the technology sector, I've seen numerous articles that cite that a solid presence on Google+ helps with search so keep that page updated. Generally I'll get on there once a day on my personal page; our company page is updated more frequently. Also adding a +1 to your website is getting to be a pretty big deal. Having someone +1 your post or blog entry can help increase its visibility in search.
Ideally the traffic to your site should come from both Google searches and social media, though a good balance would be an equal 50/50 split between the two. While getting search traffic is great, you don't want that to be your sole traffic generator. In an age of Google updates (a la Penguin and Panda) you want to reduce your dependence on search-only traffic. Don't believe me? When Google did their Panda update some sites, like quotes and song lyrics sites, lost 94 percent of their traffic because they were solely dependent on search traffic for their exposure.

SEO Tips for your Website
Finally, there are a few things you can do to your site to help beef up the searchability.
  1. Title tags are always a great bet and often overlooked. Considering they carry some key SEO value, it's amazing how often title tags are forgotten. Title tags tell search engines what your site is about. I recommend using keywords here or relevant phrases. Not sure where your title tags are? If you're looking at a website, it's the top line, above the search bar. That's where title tags come in. Most websites say "home" or something which isn't helpful at all when it comes to search. Also, each page on your site should have a different title tag that represents that page. Title tags should be kept to 66 characters or less. To separate out multiple key word phrases, use a "-" dash.
  2. Though I always encourage people to use keywords on their site, keep in mind that Google is now really cracking down on things like keyword-stuffing (where a keyword or phrase is used over and over again to rig ranking). So write for your user, not for Google.

  3. Duplicate content: It's always been frowned upon, but now it can kill your search ranking, too. What this means is that you'll want to avoid duplicating content on your website, meaning using an About You page in different places, or replicating blog posts on other pages of your site, reusing content from a press release that's elsewhere on your website, etc.

  4. Anchor text: When linking to other internal pages on your website, use anchor text (keywords) instead of just "Click here" or something like that, it'll help you get more keyword buzz.

  5. When linking into your site, try to not always link to the home page. It's helpful to link to internal pages on your website. For example, when you're linking to blog posts, or items in your media room, etc. you should use internal pages. When you link to these internal pages, try hyperlinking using keywords; again this is called anchor text because you're essentially anchoring your URL via keywords and sending folks back to your website.

  6. Images on your blog: These days we rarely put up a blog post without images. Just be sure that you name the image using keywords.

  7. Images on your website: Each of the images on your website should be named. This is called Alt text. Using terms like 00006YT.jpg which is often how images are named by your computer (just a string of random numbers) will not help you in search. If you're not sure if the images on your site have Alt text call it up in Firefox or Chrome. Right click over the image and go to "Inspect Element" generally if there's ALT text it will say ALT= and this indicates ALT text. If you don't have it, make sure to take note of all images on your website and ask your web designer to add these.

It's a new age of SEO and what Google is doing is a really good thing. We all want to be able to find the things we need in search. The rules have changed, and knowing how to play by them will get you a site that's not only ranking, but is Panda and Penguin-proof.

Posted: 11/07/2012 2:49 pm  
Google , Google Plus , Google Plus Social Network , Search Engine Optimization , Seo , Small Business , Small Business Marketing , Website-Rank-Seo , Technology News   


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A Christian author has a message to tell that's greater than any man-made story line.  There should be a greater purpose to what we pen, as our responsibility is to not merely entertain as secular authors do, but to proclaim the "good news" through writing, in this case fiction.

If you are dipping your toes into the sometimes-tumultuous waters of fiction writing for the first time, you might be feeling a bit daunted right now. But there are certain rules and guidelines to follow that can help you keep your writing both focused and engaging (and, therefore, more publishable). Here are our top eight guidelines for beginning fiction writers:

Know your audience. Beginners sometimes want to appeal to the widest audience possible and so try to write for everyone. As a result, they let their work run off in too many directions and end up with a muddled mess of a story. But you can’t please everyone—a story that appeals to city-dwelling twenty-somethings won’t necessarily catch the fancy of a middle-aged man from the suburbs. Once you accept that, you can focus all of your energy on writing for the readers who will appreciate your hard work that much more.

Here’s a tip: Once you’ve decided who your audience is (specific gender, age group, etc.), reread your story with that audience in mind to make sure your focus is consistent. Remove any elements that could potentially cause any friction (unless that’s your goal!).

Know your genre. This goes hand in hand with knowing your audience. There are key elements that fans of certain genres will expect to find when they start reading your work. More often than not, genres can be divided further into subgenres that accommodate very specific motivations and plotlines. Keep it consistent. It is possible to write a successful cross-genre story, but you don’t want to mix it up too much. A supernatural romantic thriller, for example, could end up alienating fans of all three genres.

Create real characters. Make your characters human—give them nervous tics, phobias, a funny way of messing up clichés. Some of the most memorable stories have three-dimensional characters that readers can feel strongly about in some way. For example: A heroine who has to overcome her deep-seated fears before she can get what she wants is much more appealing than one who just breezes through without struggle. The former’s conflict is relatable (who isn’t held back by their fears?), therefore her victory will be that much more satisfying.
The same logic applies to antagonists. Why do we love to hate Othello’s Iago? Because his actions come from emotions we all know we’re capable of feeling: jealousy, insecurity, etc.
Just like you, characters should evolve over time. Everything that happens in your story affects them in some way. The changes to their progress (or lack thereof) can be significant or minute, but they must occur. Place your character in situations that force him or her to make difficult choices, mistakes, etc. You can decide whether the character should make the “right” or “wrong” decisions, but any character not evolving on some level is static and that will take away from your story’s momentum.

Show, don’t tell. Beginners often make the mistake of explaining what is happening instead of simply showing the reader. Think of it as the difference between watching a movie and having a friend describe a movie to you.
Rather than having the narrator mention that one character spent the night in jail for egging a neighbor’s car, give the reader the play-by-play of the character laughing gleefully while throwing the eggs (underhand, of course, because they were on the bowling team). Then show them crying to the point of hiccups when the cops slap on the handcuffs. This will paint a much more vivid picture for your readers and, therefore, make the story more enjoyable.
Want to take it one step further? Include a scene showing the neighbor using the character’s mailbox for batting practice—that gives your egg-throwing hero motivation, which adds to what we talked about in Rule #3.

Stick to the main plot. Beginners often get caught up in subplots they find interesting, but don’t serve to propel the characters forward in any real way. Your story isn’t a well-cast ensemble sitcom. Focus diligently on one main plotline, and if you do decide to add subplot elements to your story, make sure they relate to the main story and help propel your character to his or her inevitable end.

Let your scenes play out. Don’t cheat your readers by trying to wrap up every scene too quickly. Events in real life don’t often end neatly; chances are neither will events in your story. Instead, let the falling action of each scene sow the seeds of the following scene’s rising action. Propel your audience through to the next plot point—make them want to keep reading.
If you are going for suspense, cliffhangers are a plus. But there is a big difference between a cliffhanger and an abrupt, unnatural close, so make your choices carefully.

Learn the art of conflict. Creating a powerful conflict and weaving it tightly throughout the story is a tricky thing to master, and can take years of practice. The catharsis that a reader will experience at the resolution, however, is worth the struggle. Conflict is what makes us interested in outcome. And your conflict must affect your characters in a way that forces them to act and grow as a result. A story with a weak conflict that leaves the characters exactly as they were at the start won’t be satisfying; your story won’t make a lasting impression.
Here’s a tip: The best way to learn how to write conflict is by reading it. The next time you’re reading a short story or novel, take note of how the author presents the main conflict and the specific ways in which the characters react to it.

Revise your story. Revising is an important part of any writer’s process, but there is much debate as to the best approach. Some writers like to finish the whole piece before starting any major rewrites. Only when the work is completed are they able to assess the story as a whole and recognize its flaws. Others prefer to rewrite as they write, finding it easier to tighten the laces as they go. A revision early in the story can clear the path for engaging plot points down the line that wouldn’t have been possible had things been written differently. Try both methods so you can feel out which one works best for you.

Read more at Writer's Relief
Related on HuffPost:

Monday, July 22, 2013


Have you been working hard on your manuscript?  Have you gone over it numerous times to get it just right?  Does it reveal the message you wanted to get out?  Does it reflect the glory of God working through and in you?

When we work hard at creating something, we feel a sense of satisfaction over completing our given task.

God enjoys creating things too. He especially enjoys creating miraculous works in His people. When our full desire is to please Him with all we do, our work will bring Him glory. When we see ourselves as God's servant, given the privilege of acquainting others to God through our writing, we honor our Lord.

God is the ultimate Creator. He creates a good work in us when we submit to His workmanship. He is gifted, talented, all-knowing and wise. Humble yourself and ask God for His wisdom. This will keep your work going in the right direction -- to glorify your God.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed — you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures, as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin — if makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
Who am I?
I am habit!
- Author Unknown

Good or bad habits are formed in as little as 21 days.  You determine your habits, not others.  If you want to be a Christian writer who influences others positively, then start by developing Godly habits that propel you to fulfill your dream. 

The book of Proverbs is an excellent place to start your journey of making good habits. Start by examining  what Solomon had to say about wise and unwise living.  Solomon asked God for wisdom, and God was so pleased with his request, that He gave him more wisdom than any man before or since.

The book of Proverbs is God's gift to us.  With wisdom you will not only develop better habits, but  you'll discover what you should be leaving behind.  Surrender to God and ask Him to help you "let go." Experience the freedom that He offers. You'll never see the fulfillment of your dreams without the positive habits that will carry and keep you in that place God has called you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Here's another resource that adds value:  Lilliet

Here are some tips on avoiding the pitfalls of bad writing:

1. Be Fresh

 The purpose of metaphor and simile is to evoke recognition by comparison or allusion. Write these analogies to aid your readers with your clarity of vision, not to serve your ego, and avoid clichés.

2. Be Clear

 When drafting expository fiction or nonfiction, record your voice as you spontaneously describe a scene or explain a procedure, transcribe your comments, and base your writing on the transcription, revising only to select more vivid verbs and more precise nouns and to seek moderation in adverbs and adjectives.

3. Be Active

 Use the passive voice judiciously.

4. Be Concise
Write tight.

5. Be Thorough
Accept that writing is the easy part; it’s the revision that makes or breaks your project — and requires most of your effort.

From: www.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Publishing "How-to" for the Non-Fiction Christian Book Author

I came across this while doing some research and decided to share it with you because it has a wealth of knowledge for every aspiring Christian author.

Enjoy and learn! Lilliet


Publishing a Christian Non-Fiction Book

Buffy Naillon

The Christian publishing market presents Christian writers with a large sub-niche in major publishing for which to write. The Christian book market represents a multimillion dollar chunk of the publishing industry with both Christian and non-Christian bookstores selling religious books. Additionally, the Bible provides a wealth of information to draw upon for book themes and to support your research. The aspiring Christian writer will never run out of inspiring themes about which she can write.

Getting the Ideas Down on Paper
Brainstorming for ideas is one of the best ways to help you to select a theme for your book. Let's say that you are interested in what the Bible says about friendship. You might select different Bible verses and stories about friendship. Take notes about your findings as you go; these ideas become the beginnings of your research. If you are really stuck for a theme, you might also consider asking your friends, family members and members of the clergy their thoughts on the subject to get the process going for you. Ask them what verses they like, ask them their perspectives on the subject at hand and use them for quotes in your book-with their permission, of course. Additionally, people can become the basis of a mailing list, which is important for the marketing aspect of your book. Using email to contact them is the most expedient, but you can try phone or a return mailer, too.

What are the Book's Themes?
Once, you've selected a theme for your book, you can start looking for Bible verses and stories that support your book's theme. If you've participated in Bible studies over the course of time, it's likely that you know a number of them already, but if not, helpful resources exist to help you locate them faster. All of this experience should help you to develop a Bible study based upon your research. To help you write your Bible study portions, you may find it helpful to read other Bible studies that have been written.

Getting Started Writing
Many writers find the challenge of writing begins with the blank page, so help yourself out by bypassing that; make an outline of your book once you have all your material, interviews, Bible study materials and quotes compiled. The act of making an outline helps you clarify your thoughts and see what might be missing in your information. Once you've done this, you'll be more prepared to write a rough draft following the outline of your book. In this stage, don't worry about making mistakes in your writing, just get the words on the page.

Revising your Rough Drafts
Once the draft is complete, let it sit for awhile so that you can look at it with fresh eyes. Once your eyes and your mind have had a chance to rest from your writing, go back and revise and redraft your manuscript. The simplest way to do this is to print out the book and read it page by page, making correction notes. Writers sometimes tend to correct as they go, but this isn't always the best practice. It's helpful to know what you originally wrote down in case you need to go back again to recapture a thought that was lost in the editing process, but you realize that you don't want left out. Additionally, you may find it additionally helpful to have a friend read the outline to determine if the material is understandable.

Final Thoughts on Traditional and Self-Publishing
Finally, you're going to want to decide how you're going to sell your book, whether by self-publishing or via a publishing house. Each has its advantages, but self-publishing requires that you do more of you own marketing and foot all the costs. However, going with a publishing house demands that you give up some of the control of your book. Regardless of the route that you take, you should develop a marketing plan. If you self-publish, you'll know the next step. If you go with a publishing house, you'll have a bit of clout coming into the book selling process, because you're giving the company a leg up in terms of making sure your book gets sold. In either case, this is where mailing lists, social media sites and passing out business cards comes into play. Below are some links to some helpful sites to help you market your non-fiction Christian book.

Moira Allen, Selling Your Non-Fiction Book, Part 1, Publishing World
April Wilson, How to Publish a Christian Non-Fiction Book, eHow
Jesus Journal, Tips for Christian Writers, Jesus Journal

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


During your learning process you will  be looking at what others write and searching the Internet for help on writing. While research is necessary, you will become plagued with doubt if you look too closely at others or the success they've achieved. 

The vast majority of books on writing and book marketing are written by non-Christians. While I have received excellent advice with straightforward information in "how-to" books, they aren't written from a faith based viewpoint. They don't bring God glory because He's not part of the success equation for them.

You'll be tempted to work harder then necessary if you don't remember that with God, success takes time, as He's more concerned with perfecting you  - then your writing.

As a Christian author, you write because you believe God has given you a message to share with others. Certainly, you want to improve your writing skills and become the best writer you can be. But try to avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others, as this will take away from what God has called you to do.

In other words:


Always use your own words. Say what you believe God wants you to convey to others. Don't worry about whether it is as popular as what many "successful" Christian authors are writing. Don't just jump on the bandwagon because you want to jump start your writing career.  Much of what is written today is extremely light in content and lacks real spiritual substance. Dare to let God mature you into the person He has in mind, and you won't be writing stuff that years down the road may embarrass you.


After writing awhile, you'll discover your own rhythm, your own writing style and voice. Even in non-fiction writing you will have developed your voice. Let yourself explore different writing styles and learn from them, but eventually, with time, you'll fall into a writing style that will be all your own. That's when you'll be comfortable being who God made you to be and that confidence will be reflected in your writing.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Champions plan to beat the record holder. Successful businesses plan ahead for future growth and expansion.

It is difficult to measure progress without a written plan. Writing out a plan helps us attain our desired goal. A plan is a written formula to determine what actionable steps are needed to make the vision come about.

If your desire is to become a Christian author, then develop a plan for that to happen.

In a previous post I mentioned that we should always be growing in our own faith before we can lead others to grow. First, we have a duty to write material that changes lives. Since God's Word holds all truth,  you can change people's lives by sharing it accurately with them. Anemic faith won't transform people. Many in the church no longer recognize or hold to truth. Your job is to be uncommon. Write material that empowers others to succeed in life by using God's methods of success.

The second step will require you to educate yourself regarding the art of writing. Writing is a skill. A skill can be learned. That's good news, for many successful authors didn't start their career by being natural writers. It means that with hard work and determination, they developed their craft and became good writers.

The Internet holds a lot of free information to help you in your growth process. Read everything you can about writing. This is what I started out doing and continue to do. I also went to the library and checked out books on writing. Much of the material is technical and a lot of it is about fiction writing, but you can glean something from each book. I also took an Internet Writing Course that only cost me $40.00. What I learned was invaluable. It was a good investment. Be aware you don't need to spend a fortune for good information.

A good command of the English language is the first step to writing well. The book I found to be the most helpful was a Kaplan book titled "Power Writing." Do a search on Kaplan books to see what interests you. I found it at our local library. I would also encourage you to look for Christian books on writing, as much of what is out there will discourage you because it is difficult to find a publisher that will take on an unknown. But in this post I am addressing the topic of improving your writing skills.

Another way to grow your writing skills is to read good writing. Study the sentence structure. Notice that the sentences are tight and that unnecessary words are left out. Learn the clichés that are often used, but should be avoided. I now read books with an editor's eye, something I never used to do.

Writing, publishing, and editing has been a learning curve for me. But I enjoy learning and find that having a goal keeps me sharp.  Boredom is not my problem when I have a goal. Self publishing is a learning curve, but it can be empowering. When you come to a place of utter frustration, step away from your computer. Maybe you will need to stay away for a day or two, and go do something fun.

Moving away from the stress, will remind you that God will get you to the plan He has for you. Your job is to not believe that everything starts and ends with yourself. Your mind will clear when you pray and ask God to help you absorb what you're learning. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, so don't become impatient with the learning process.

I would encourage you to learn all you can about writing FIRST, then start doing. There are many marketing and non-fiction writing books for Kindle on Amazon. Many of these books are $3.00 and under. Take advantage of the mentoring you receive from authors who have traveled the road you want to take.

It is tempting to compromise and follow the world's system to success. As a Christian author you will need to put God's plan for success before you. The Bible tells us in Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run" (NASB).

Honoring God in your writing, is a plan God will honor in return.


Sunday, June 23, 2013


From time to time I will share with you great books that will help you grow in your faith.

As an author of Christian books, I would encourage you to be continually growing in your own faith. You can't lead others unless you lead yourself first; and you can't "grow" others, unless you're willing to grow too.

Growing in spiritual maturity is essential, especially today when the church has grown softer and more seeker friendly. But many no longer feel the church is relevant to their lives. I encourage you to not fall into this common practice in your writing.

A dying world is in need of those willing to stand up for truth and only God's Word holds all truth.

Become a faithful student of God's Word. Then pass along solid teaching that changes lives. Christians have become accustomed to hearing  "Christianity light" messages and may no longer know truth from deception. The Christian author has a powerful platform to change that.

** R.C. Sproul, a famous evangelist, has many of his books on Kindle for FREEHis doctrinal background may be different from yours, but I would encourage you to read books from thinkers. Too many female authors write about their feelings and everyday "natural" affairs. We must rise higher and proclaim the "good news," not news about ourselves. This is why I tend to read many more books by men than women.

We must know what we believe.

R.C. Sproal says:

"Creation is vital. Creation is foundational for the Christian church with every major Christian doctrine coming out of the events recorded in the first chapters of Genesis. Among these are:
1) the nature of God, including his power and goodness,
2) the nature of man, created in the image of God but fallen because of his sin,
3) the nature and consequences of sin,
4) the nature of marriage,
5) the origin of death as a penalty for sin, and an enemy,
6) the need for a Saviour to redeem man from sin,
7) the origin and meaning of work and the weekly day of rest, and
8) the relationship between man and the rest of creation, which is now cursed because of sin,
9) and much more.

This is why the doctrine of creation is vital, but unfortunately this doctrine is denied today, both outside and inside the church."

If you desire to write Christian books, break away from the pack and write books with substance and truth. If you feel your faith is weak or lacking in sound doctrine, read solid books that will build up your faith.

Writing is a skill. For the Christian author, writing is evangelism. Grow firm in your faith. Then you have a message worth telling.

Friday, June 21, 2013


If you're a new author and no one knows about you or your books yet, why not consider offering your books at an "impulse buy" price. For some this means free, for others this means offering them on Amazon for 99 cents with a Kindle book. Offering your books on KDP Select, with their 5 days of "free" books, will bring you exposure and will allows others to read your message.

Although Kindle books are growing every year, many people, including myself, still don't own a Kindle.

Since I have two non-fiction Christian books that for a limited time I am offering for 99 cents, I decided to pass some good information on to my Facebook friends. I  mentioned that for those who don't own a Kindle, it was possible to read a Kindle book on their computer or smart phone.  I only recently learned of this, so I shared my new knowledge with my friends.

Kindle has an app that can be downloaded so that you can read Kindle books on your computer or phone. Just type into your browser: Kindle app for my computer and then download it or click on the link below.  Ever since I have been reading these low cost books on my computer.  I even download free books, so watch for those too.


Free Kindle Reading Apps Kindle’s free apps for your computer or smartphone. Find out more here.

Who doesn't want a free or low cost book?  For the Christian author, this is a perfect way to get the Word of God out. Jesus told us to make disciples. Offering your books in Kindle format for free or for 99 cents is a perfect way to disciple those you may never meet.

When I first started writing I was mostly thinking about making money. Wrong! Unless you're already well known (called having a platform), you're an unknown and people are not lining up to buy your books.

I adjusted my thinking and realized that getting the Word into people was far more important than making a few bucks anyway. This is reality. Consider developing a reader base first to get people acquainted with your books. This is expanding your ministry and you'll love serving others in this way.