Saturday, April 5, 2014



 Jesus understood our natural tendency to become worried so He taught us the proper way to respond to it. In Matthew 6:25-34, He reveals to us why we don’t need to worry. He assures us that if He cares for the least of His creation—the birds of the air and the flowers of the field—He will surely care for us as we are more important to Him than these.

Jesus gives us three key reasons why we don’t have to worry or be fearful.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:25-26)

The King James Version uses “thought” to translate the Greek, but the context makes it clear that Jesus was discussing anxious thought or worry.

In New Testament times, the word “worry” meant having a fretful devotion to something. More than a mild concern, worry refers to a compelling anxiety, a concern that overwhelms us and disrupts our lives.

When we learn to trust Jesus to meet our daily needs, we conquer the pattern of worrying. When we learn to stop worrying about the basics of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter, we’ll conquer the other fears that we face.

Where did the tendency to worry originate?

Humans come into this world with basic needs. If those needs are met appropriately, people will grow and thrive as their Creator intended. Man’s Creator is God, and God had a plan from the beginning to meet people’s needs.

God made humanity for His own good pleasure—to enjoy relationship with him. God also made men and women “in need.” This need was intentional, for God wanted people to have a need, or desire for Him, as He did for them.

People need each other—that’s what relationship is. God couldn’t have a personal relationship with the people He created, if they had no need of relationship with Him in return.

God is infinitely creative and diverse, and in that diversity He sought the give and take that relationship with people requires. What does that mean for God? He created us with the capacity to think, reason, create, contemplate, and work as He does. We have the ability to express emotion and to love Him in return for loving us first. This is the heart of relationship.

People need God the way a newborn needs its mother. If a newborn’s needs are not met, it will fail to thrive and may even die.

Although adults have the capability to care for themselves within limits, they don’t have the ability to produce without God first providing the raw materials. We can grow our own food, but we can’t create the seed.  God made the first seed and it’s through His creative hand that we are able to produce food from these seeds.

We weren’t around when God made the sun, water, and soil that provides for the plant’s nourishment. So even in the smallest of details, God did His part first, by supplying what we would need to sustain life. This is the most fundamental way in which God meets people’s need.

God provided the elements needed to make our clothing, the seedlings for trees to grow that provide us with shelter and fire for warmth. We don’t have the ability to make the raw materials needed for our very survival, although we have the ability to take what God has supplied and use it for our good.

Many people are ungrateful to God because they don’t consider how He meets our most basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Human life is short and our life is more than getting our basic needs met. We must ask ourselves how we came into existence and for what reason. God reveals Himself in our everyday lives as we contemplate our being.

When our minds and hearts are closed to God, we don’t grasp the concept of a personal God who delights in having an intimate relationship with us. We worry because we subconsciously know that we don’t have the ability to create everything we need to sustain life, and this makes us feel vulnerable and helpless. Our neediness causes us to worry and be anxious.

When we believe we won’t get our physical and emotional needs met, we worry. If worry continues long enough, it turns into anxiety and panic attacks. Eventually emotional disturbances such as depression, addictions, strongholds, and ultimately psychosis may emerge.

This is why Jesus taught so frequently on the topic of worry and why He continually stressed “fear not.” God has gifted us with our very own internal awareness of Him–(through our conscience and through His creation). He tells us not to worry about our basic human needs because for Him—they’re the “givens.” It should be a “given” that fathers take care of their children. (I know that not all earthly fathers properly take care for their offspring, but that was not God’s original intent for people. This disorder came as a result of being separated from the Father and because people choose to go against His “perfect” will for their lives.)

Our needs make up what we call our “human givens.” God meets our needs, or our givens, when we acknowledge Him and the place He desires to have in our life. He becomes our Heavenly Father and meets our most basic needs when we ask His Son, Jesus, to come into our heart and change us.

God’s Word tells us that our basic need of food, clothing, and shelter are so fundamental, in fact, that if we would get to know our Heavenly Father we wouldn’t spend any time worrying about these things. In other words, this concept is so elementary to the Christian faith, that there’s no need to worry about them.
When people understand, and then choose to believe that their Heavenly Father will take good care of them, they won’t become insecure, anxious, depressed, or inclined towards escapism through addiction. God is a good God who loves His children unconditionally and He delights in caring for them. Beyond basic needs though, God wants us to know that He created us for so much more. He created us for spiritual intimacy, companionship, and for significance.

Except taken from my newest book "DON'T BE A WORRY WART - Accept God's Peace and Change Your Life."  Find it at Amazon/Kindle.   Follow my link: